Should I Take Pre Workout Before Running: The Benefits of Pre Workout for Runners

Should I Take Pre Workout Before Running

Running is a great activity and exercise that has a lot of benefits such as fat burning, improving cardiovascular health, and it also keeps you fit. However, running is not fun if you do not have a proper motivation to run. This is why you need to know what pre workout supplements are and whether or not they can help improve your performance while running. Taking pre workout supplements before going for a run have quite a lot of benefits, but it also has some drawbacks. In this article, we will discuss what pre workout supplements are, whether or not they should be used by runners, the benefits, and the potential side effects in order to help you make a decision on whether or not you should use pre workout supplements.

Defining Pre Workout Supplements

Pre workout supplements are designed to help athletes and bodybuilders maximize their workouts by providing them with an energy boost. Pre workout supplements can come in many different forms, including drinks, bars, pills, or powders. These supplements typically contain a combination of amino acids (such as caffeine), herbs, vitamins and minerals that have been scientifically proven to increase performance during exercise. They also contain stimulants such as caffeine for an added boost of energy. Pre workout supplements can give an extra edge during intense physical activity and help improve endurance, strength, focus and power output. For runners specifically, pre-workout supplements can deliver a surge of energy to fuel them through their runs and provide enhanced recovery post-run due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Regular use of pre-workout products may even lead to increased muscle mass over time as it helps the body recover more quickly from strenuous activities like running.

Should I Take Pre Workout Before Running?

Pre workout supplements can be beneficial for runners, as they can help to increase energy and endurance during a run. The most common ingredients in pre workout supplements are caffeine, creatine, and beta-alanine. Caffeine helps to give you an extra boost of energy so that you can push through your run with more vigor and intensity. Creatine increases muscle strength and power output, allowing you to go farther and faster while running. Beta-alanine is an amino acid that helps delay fatigue during long runs by buffering lactic acid buildup in the muscles.

Taking a pre workout supplement before running can also help improve mental focus. Many pre workouts contain nootropics such as tyrosine or Rhodiola rosea which are known to reduce stress hormones like cortisol in the body while increasing dopamine levels which promote alertness and focus. This can help sharpen your mind during longer runs when it's easy to lose motivation or become distracted from outside factors such as traffic or other noises around you. Finally, taking a pre workout before running may also reduce post-run recovery time since it provides the body with necessary nutrients for muscle repair after exercise.

The Benefits of Taking Pre Workout for Runners

Benefits of Taking Pre Workout for Runners

Increased alertness

Increased alertness is one of the main benefits of taking pre-workout supplements before running. This heightened awareness can be beneficial for those who are looking to push themselves to their physical limits or increase the intensity of their runs. Taking pre-workout supplements can also help runners stay focused and motivated throughout their run by providing an extra burst of energy.

Pre-workout supplements typically contain ingredients such as caffeine, B vitamins, and amino acids that contribute to increased alertness. Caffeine helps stimulate the central nervous system, which increases energy levels and focus. B vitamins support a healthy metabolism and can provide a natural boost in energy levels while amino acids help build muscle mass and improve endurance during exercise. All of these components combined result in improved mental clarity and boosted physical performance when taken before running sessions.

Not only does pre-workout provide runners with enhanced alertness on their runs, but it also helps increase motivation levels by giving them a feeling of “readiness” prior to starting out on their run. Taking pre-workout has been shown to reduce fatigue during long distance runs as well, allowing runners to push through even when they feel like they have reached their limit. Pre-workout can also reduce post workout soreness due to its anti-inflammatory properties which makes recovery time shorter after each session is completed.

Improved endurance & energy reserves

Increased endurance and energy reserves are key elements of successful running. Pre workout supplements can help to improve endurance and energy reserves before a run, allowing runners to have a more effective workout.

Taking pre-workout before running can boost focus, increase alertness, and enhance overall performance. Caffeine is the most common ingredient used in pre-workout supplements as it stimulates the central nervous system and releases hormones that can help increase muscular strength and endurance during exercise. Other ingredients such as amino acids and creatine may also be included to further enhance athletic performance. Taking these supplements prior to a run helps supply the body with essential nutrients for sustained energy throughout the workout session. Additionally, pre workout may also aid in reducing fatigue associated with distance running by boosting circulation so that oxygen can be delivered quickly to muscle cells for improved energy production.

By taking pre-workout before running, athletes can improve their stamina, maximize their performance capacities, reduce fatigue levels, and achieve longer workouts at higher intensities than what would otherwise be possible without supplementation. This ultimately translates into better results from training sessions for athletes who are looking to take their fitness level even further – helping them achieve goals faster and reach new personal bests faster than ever before!

Decreased perception of pain

Pain perception is an important factor to consider when it comes to running. Pre workout can help decrease the perception of pain, allowing runners to push themselves further and reach their peak performance. Studies have found that pre-workouts with caffeine and other stimulants can enhance alertness, reduce fatigue and increase mental focus, resulting in better performance during a run. Additionally, this increased focus helps runners ignore painful physical sensations such as muscle soreness or joint stiffness which could otherwise interfere with their performance. Furthermore, research has found that some pre-workouts contain ingredients like beta-alanine or L-citrulline that can help reduce lactic acid buildup in muscles while running, thus reducing the intensity of muscle soreness during strenuous activities such as running. Ultimately, taking pre workout before running may lead to improved performance due to decreased perception of pain and greater physical endurance.

Improved leg strength

Leg strength is a key component to success in running, as it helps runners maintain good form and improve their speed. Pre workout can be an effective supplement for improving leg strength, as it increases energy levels and mental focus while also providing the body with essential nutrients. Pre workout supplements contain ingredients such as caffeine, B-vitamins, creatine, and beta-alanine that all contribute to improved muscle performance and increased endurance. Caffeine helps stimulate the nervous system so that muscles can contract more powerfully. B-vitamins are involved in energy production by breaking down carbohydrates into glucose which is then used by the muscles to produce ATP (energy). Creatine helps increase explosive power while beta-alanine helps buffer lactic acid build up in the legs during intense exercise. All of these ingredients help runners achieve greater leg strength when taken before a run. Additionally, pre workout supplements also contain essential amino acids that may help reduce fatigue and promote recovery between runs for better overall performance over time.

Decreased feelings of lethargy

Decreasing feelings of lethargy can be a great benefit to runners who take pre-workout supplements. Studies have shown that taking pre-workout supplements can increase energy levels and reduce fatigue, which allows for improved performance during running sessions. Additionally, these supplements contain ingredients such as B vitamins and caffeine that are known to provide energy boosts to help keep you going when your body feels like it's about to give up. Furthermore, the increased focus and alertness provided by these supplements makes it easier for runners to stay motivated even when faced with difficult runs or challenging workouts. Taking pre-workout before running can also improve overall endurance levels by providing your body with more energy and improving blood flow throughout the body, which helps you last longer on those long runs or intense workouts. Lastly, pre-workout supplement’s help reduce lactic acid buildup in muscles so that you don't feel as sore after your run is over, allowing for faster recovery times between runs. All of these benefits make taking pre-workouts before running a great way to boost performance and decrease feelings of lethargy while on the track or trail!

Increased fat burning ability

Increased fat burning ability is one of the main benefits of taking pre workout before running. Pre workout supplements contain ingredients such as caffeine, taurine, and beta-alanine that can increase metabolism and fat burning. Caffeine acts as a stimulant, which has been shown to boost metabolism by up to 11%. Taurine helps burn more fat during exercise due to its ability to reduce the body's reliance on carbohydrates for energy. Beta-alanine also aids in fat loss by increasing aerobic capacity and endurance, allowing you to run longer and faster while still burning calories efficiently. Additionally, some pre workouts contain green tea extract which has been proven effective for boosting metabolic rate and helping reduce body fat levels. Taking pre workout before running can help runners maximize their performance while also improving their overall fitness level by promoting increased fat burning ability.

The Potential Side Effects of Pre Workout for Runners

Potential Side Effects of Pre Workout for Runners


Overstimulation is a common concern for runners who are considering taking pre workout before running. Too much stimulation can leave you feeling jittery, anxious, and unable to focus on your run. While most pre workout supplements contain stimulants that can give you an extra burst of energy during a run, they also come with potential risks if consumed in excess--namely overstimulation. To prevent this, it's important to understand what causes overstimulation and how to avoid it when taking pre workout supplements for running.

The main cause of overstimulation from pre workouts is the ingredients used in the supplement. Many popular pre workouts contain caffeine and other stimulants like guarana extract, yerba mate extract, or taurine. These ingredients can increase alertness and energy levels temporarily but too much can overwhelm the body and lead to symptoms like anxiety or difficulty concentrating. Additionally, these ingredients often interact with one another so even moderate doses may be too stimulating for some people depending on their sensitivity level.

The best way to minimize the risk of overstimulation when taking pre workout before running is to start slowly by using low doses initially and build up gradually as needed until your desired effect is achieved without any adverse side effects. Additionally, read labels carefully so that you are aware of all the ingredients included in each product you use as some may have extra stimulants added that could be too strong if taken together at once.

Digestion issues

Digestion issues are a common concern for runners debating the use of pre workout supplements. While the stimulants present in pre workout can aid in energy and performance, they can also cause nausea, stomach discomfort, and other digestive issues. These effects may vary between individuals and could be as severe as vomiting or diarrhea during a run.

It is important to assess your risk before deciding if taking pre workout before running is right for you. Many factors play into digestion such as diet and hydration levels, so make sure to take these into account before taking on any new supplement regimen. Consider speaking with a doctor or nutritionist if you have any questions about how your body will respond to specific ingredients found in pre workout products.

Overall, it is important to pay attention to your body's response when taking pre-workout supplements before running. If you experience any adverse digestive effects, consider ceasing its use until further evaluation by an appropriate medical professional can be done.


Insomnia can be a significant hindrance to runners, as it can lead to fatigue and lack of motivation for exercise. Pre workout supplements may help improve overnight sleep quality, as they often contain ingredients designed to regulate and improve the quality of sleep. Caffeine is one such ingredient, which has been shown in studies to reduce the amount of time it takes someone to fall asleep and increase their total sleep duration. Additionally, some pre workout supplements contain adaptogens like ashwagandha or rhodiola rosea, which are herbs used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine that have been proven to reduce stress levels and decrease cortisol production at night. These components help create a relaxed environment that allows for more restful sleep. Lastly, most pre workout supplements also contain B-vitamins, melatonin or magnesium which helps provide an additional boost of energy and mental clarity during exercise while improving overall sleep health.

A shaky, jittery feeling

A shaky, jittery feeling is a common side effect of consuming pre-workout supplements before running. This usually occurs when the body is not used to the stimulants in the supplement and can be alarming for some runners. While it may feel like an uncomfortable sensation that makes it difficult to focus on running, it typically passes after a few minutes of activity.

There are ways to reduce or prevent this jittery feeling before running with pre-workout supplements. First, begin by taking smaller doses of the supplement so your body can get used to its effects more gradually. Second, consider switching brands or types of pre-workouts as different formulations contain different concentrations of stimulants which could affect sensations differently. Lastly, try drinking plenty of water while taking pre-workouts as dehydration can worsen the jitters and make them last longer.

In conclusion, a shaky, jittery feeling is a common side effect when consuming pre-workout supplements before running but there are ways to reduce its intensity such as taking small doses and hydrating properly beforehand. It can be unpleasant but should pass after a few minutes of activity - if it persists for an extended period then you may need to switch brands or adjust your dosage accordingly.

Increased heart rate

Increased heart rate is an important factor for runners to consider when deciding whether or not to take pre workout before a run. Taking pre workout can provide an increase in heart rate that may help to improve performance and endurance during a run. This can be beneficial for both experienced and beginner runners alike, as it can give them the extra energy needed to complete their runs with greater ease and efficiency.

The increase in heart rate due to taking pre workout comes from the stimulants found in most pre workout supplements. Caffeine, as well as other ingredients such as yohimbine, beta-alanine and taurine, are all known to speed up the metabolism which helps produce increased amounts of energy and alertness while running. This increased energy helps runners feel energized throughout the entire duration of their runs, allowing them to maintain better form and technique while pushing themselves further than they would be able to without taking pre workout beforehand.

In addition to providing increased energy levels, an elevated heart rate also serves many other benefits such as improved blood flow throughout your body which brings more oxygen into your muscles allowing you more endurance during exercise. Elevated heart rates also help burn more calories while running which will aid in weight loss goals if any are desired from running sessions.